Special price

Special price

In this section you will find all Special Price items.
Special Price items are not necessarily obsolete or undersold. The Company, for a limited time and for promotional purposes has decided to offer them at a Special Price.
23 results in
Candy Pop
Candy Pop is the news of the year, an automatic Lollipop distributor that allows kids and young people to play and win more than one candy with just one play.Thanks to its...
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Capsule Robot
Interactive ball dispenser. Upper bowl for 65mm diameter capsules, lower bowl for 50mm diameter capsules.1.00 coin mechanismAfter inserting the coin, the user chooses the bowl...
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Gonfioldo Distributor can distribute 90 and 100 mm balls. Excellent visual and interactive machine equipped with a foot pump that allows children to inflate the ball or inflatable...
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Kiddie ride with an Ostrich as a subject, all revised, working perfectly.
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Happy Clown
Impressive fiberglass dispenser for 90/100mm balls.
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Used Superpoly can deliver ball 90mm and 100mm in diameter.Fully equipped with plastic handle and rear wheels for easy movement.Noteworthy is the cash box located inside the...
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Used dispenser for 90mm balls, colorful, capacious, completely made of plastic so not prone to rust. Transparent double globe made of high-impact polycarbonate. It is equipped...
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Very striking vending machine for ice cream shops, made by fiberglass and hand painted.Can deliver balls65/68mm in diameter.Coin mechanism 1,00
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Duck boat
Kiddie ride boat-shaped with Duck as a subject, all revised, working perfectly.
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Big ark
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Candy Pop
Candy Pop is the news of the year, an automatic Lollipop distributor that allows kids and young people to play and win more than one candy with just one play.Thanks to its...
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Capsule Robot
Interactive ball dispenser. Upper bowl for 65mm diameter capsules, lower bowl for 50mm diameter capsules.1.00 coin mechanismAfter inserting the coin, the user chooses the bowl...
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